Friday, June 22, 2012

Magdeburg Central Cathedral

There was a lot of construction going on at this Cathedral, because they were having a televised event there on Saturday, but these were the highlights of our last stop of the excursion.

 The choir benches show scenes depicting Jesus' life. This picture is a scene from the Last Supper, but one disciple is missing. The missing disciple is the viewer of the picture, which I thought was clever

This is also a picture on the seat of the choir bench. It shows a priest carrying a nun on his back to his house during the winter time (so no foot prints show) and there is a devil hanging out, outside the house.

The original part of the chuch, undamaged by the fire, and still being used during winter months to hold services.

Memorial to all fallen people of WWI, during the second world war, it was hidden by some church members and after the war was over, it was returned to the church and now once a week there is a special prayer service for those who are serving/served in any war.

Relic: The bone from the whale that swallowed Jonah, and if you touch it you will never be swallowed by a whale.

 Jesus on the pulpit, holding the whole world in his hand, just like in the song.

Jesus holding up the whole pulpit.

On the way back to Berlin we saw a building by Sauerbruch Hutton, the Experimentelle Farbrik Magdeberg. It was a ribbon building that had way to much color going on in my opinion.

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